Tim Bettsworth
Tim trained at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art. Film and TV credits include:
Hund​ Father - ​BAMA House Productions
Comb4t_W4rrior ​Lee ​Read Films
Grammarly​ Constable Tommy Silversun Productions
Birthday Boy​ Posh Man ​Hydra Films RKM
Serial Thriller​ Gary​Ruby Films
Lunch Date​ Garage Worker ​WEP Productions
Road to Khabul ​Ensign Stapleton​AETN/BSkyB
Outside​ Titus Oates ​London Film School
Snowflakes​ Paul Cross​@SnowflakesComedy
Burn ​Dan​Buxton NU
Method ​Thomas ​CCCUC Media
The Forbidden Zone ​John ​Boss Hogg Productions
Vigilante​ Vigilante ​Final Fight Films
Sirens​ Peter ​Viewfinder Film Festival
Afterbirth​ John ​Independent
Vampire Murderer ​Matthew Hardman​ Japanese Television
Crimewatch​ John ​BBC
The Young Poisoner ​Graham Young​ Japanese Television
The Organ Grinder​ Mikey ​Brixton Film Festival
Grow Up​ Tom ​Raindance Film Festival
Origami​ Steve ​Oxford Film Foundation
Yellow​ The Boy ​Cheeky Monkey
Saving Face​ Daniel ​Independent
Presenting and voiceover credits:
GDPR Regulations​ Presenter ​Deloitte
Road to Khabul​ Ensign Stapleton​AETN/BSkyB
So English ​Presenter ​Take Two Productions
Poetry of John Clare ​Poetry recital ​Irv’s Charitable Works
Financial seminars ​Presenter ​Wade World Trade
Mental health documentary​ Narrator ​Independent
Financial seminars​Presenter​Fleet Street Publications
Success on Hold​E instein ​Parliamentary Educ. Dept
UCL Bloomsbury Theatre​ Announcement ​UCL Bloomsbury Theatre
He was lucky enough to do adverts for Tango and Nintendo Switch and corporate shoots for Toast TV and Roche. Theatre credits include:
Macbeth​ Macbeth​ National Tour
The Mousetrap​ Christopher Wren ​St. Martin’s Theatre
A Christmas Carol​ Young Scrooge ​Bloomsbury Theatre
Keyboard Skills ​Compton-Miller ​Hen and Chickens
Peepshow​ Eric​ Greenwich Playhouse
Twelfth Night ​Sebastian​ National Tour
Othello​ Montano ​National Tour
Merchant of Venice ​Lorenzo ​National Tour
Mice​ Daniel ​Edinburgh Festival
Romeo and Juliet ​Benvolio​ Hot Air Festival
The Alchemist ​Epicure Mammon​ Oxford Playhouse
Way of the World​ Witwoud​ Oxford Playhouse
Present Laughter ​Roland Maule ​Chanticleer Theatre
Lady from the Sea ​Wangel ​The Drayton
Trench Kiss​ Jasper Everley​ St John’s Auditorium